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As we are covering the official evad3rs updates on this website, lots of emails are stacking up on my email account related to errors and troubleshooting the evasi0n jailbreak tool. As the evad3rs have been very busy compiling the evasi0n jailbreak for all of us, they have had very less time to deal with all the errors that are popping around with the use of this tool. As I have tested this tool, overall it goes on pretty smoothly without any errors. Hit the jump to fix and troubleshoot the errors related to evasi0n tool.

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Error 1: Cydia not loading up and cydia packages not installing

Cydia related errors in evasi0n are currently happening due to intense server overload on the cydia's servers. Saurik is onto it and is busy fixing this issue. It is not caused by some technical problem in your idevice rather it is occuring simply due to millions of people are trying to access Cydia at the same point of time. See this tweet from Saurik below..

Update : Cydia Telesphoreo repo has been fixed, you can access it now if you still can’t, change your DNS to Google’s server and try to access it again.

Error 2: Does evasi0n support OTA update

No, If you updated to iOS 6.1 via OTA (over-the-air update) it won't work on your idevice. Here's a quick solution :

Step 1: Firstly make a full backup of your device

Step 2: Update to iOS 6.1 using iTunes

Error 3: evasi0n does not work and fails everytime

It is happening because you have a passcode enabled on your idevice or you have left iTunes
running during the jailbreaking process. Here's the fix..

  • Disable the passcode lock on your idevice
  • Don't touch your computer while evasi0n is running

Error 4: evasi0n gets stuck on “patching kernel”

If your idevice gets stuck on displaying “patching kernel” don't worry, be patient as it takes time as long as 15 minutes Click here to enlarge. If it still doesn't progress, press Power+Home button for a long time to force a reboot. Then again jailbreak your idevice from the very beginning. See the tweet by pod2g below.

Error 5 : evasi0n doesn't recognize my idevice

Although it's working fine on every idevice as I have personally tested it. Make sure your idevice is supported, see the official list below.

  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPhone 4,4S
  • iPhone 5
  • iPod Touch 4th Generation
  • iPod Touch 5th Generation
  • iPad 2
  • iPad with Retina Display 3rd and 4th Generation
  • iPad Mini

As of now, any generation of the Apple TV is not supported. If it still doesn't work, restart your computer system or try to switch the USB ports, as they can cause havoc sometimes.

Error 6: evasi0n is stuck on "finding offsets"

This part of the jailbreak process takes a bit of time like around 8-10 minutes. If you still see no progress, do a Power+Home button force reboot your idevice.

Error 7: Jailbreak button appears to be grey/disabled, when the idevice is connected

This occurs because your iTunes backup is not protected by a password. You need to re-enable password protected backups again once the jailbreak process gets over.

Error 8: Weather app bug

If you have an iPad, an extra Weather app will appear after the jailbreak is completely finished. It is just hidden in a .plist extension configuration file. The evad3rs dev team member David Wang aka planetbeing is currently working on this bug fix with a Cydia patch obviously. See the below tweet from musclenerd...

Update : Fix the weather app not working error/bug by installing 2 cydia packages, details here or by re-jailbreaking with the updated version of the tool here.

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Error 9: idevice freezes and gets stuck at Apple logo on booting

This problem is because of a random boot bug or it might be occuring due to an incompatible tweak. You can use any of the 3 solutions given below..

  • Hold Power+Home buttons to force reboot your idevice and it should work normally with the next reboot.
  • If it still doesn't work, try increasing the volume while booting
  • Uninstall Activator and Sbsettings tweaks

Update : You can fix the long reboot bug through Cydia here or by jailbreaking again with the updated version of the tool, see the how-to guide here.

Error 10: idevice displaying wrong time zone and time after evasi0n jailbreak

As we are always updating this article with latest errors and bug fixes. We have been seeing a new bug that involves the wrong time zone and time after using evasi0n tool. To fix the incorrect time error toggle “Set Automatically” option to OFF. For the wrong time zone, follow this method below...

Step 1: Navigate to Settings > General > Date and Time > Set Automatically > ON

Step 2: Now you need to go back again to Settings > Privacy > Location Services (ensure it’s set to on) > System Services > Setting Time Zone. Set this option to ON.

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Error 11: Cydia appears small after rebooting (quarter screen bug)?

This error or bug is known as the quarter screen bug. This bug looks like this on an iPad and iPhone (shown below).

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A lot of users are reporting this quarter screen bug. The root cause of this is that you might have installed an tweak incompatible with iOS 6 running on your idevice. Follow the method given below to solve the issue.

Step 1: Firstly we need to disable all the tweaks. Reboot your idevice while holding the volume up button. .

Step 2: Launch Cydia and uninstall all iOS 6 incompatible tweaks.

If this doesn't work for you, to use Cydia again, just respring your idevice. However, this fix is not a permanent solution, it will again cause the same problem after a reboot.

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If you are still experiencing troubles take a look at these tips as this will likely fix your troubles and errors.

  • Disable the passcode on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
  • DO NOT run itunes, tinyumbrella, xcode or any other idevice tools when you are jailbreaking.
  • If you ever get stuck, it’s completely safe to restart the evasi0n tool and force reboot your idevice using Power+Home button.
  • If it still doesn't work, make a fresh restore of iOS 6.1 and retry again .
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