Cookie is a new tweak that surfaced up on Cydia which will allow you to back up and restore your activation ticket, So if you had trouble doing it manually like we previously showed you, or just had to do the process for many times , then the second choice to go with is Cookie.
Apple has entirely shut down the window that enabled us to unlock our iPhones, so only those who acted fast last week by unlocking their devices using SAM, then before their devices were restored by Apple, they were able to back up the activation ticket, only if you done all that in the limited time window we had, then you are one of the people who can endlessly unlock their iPhones over and over again.If the process of restoring your activation tickets manually, doesn’t seem quite intriguing, then you should use this jailbreak tweak, Cookie .
This a description for the tweak by the developers :
“Cookie can Backup your iPhone Activation Tickets to Cloud, and once you back it up, you can Restore it to your iPhone ANY TIME! Ticket data is stored on weiphone servers. Use this if you have Activation Tickets gotten by SAM trick, do it before it’s too late”
You must be wondering how it does that. Well, actually Cookie will send the activation ticket to Weiphone’s server, attached with your UDID “Unique Device Identifier” and IMSI “International Mobile Subscriber Identity”. If your UDID and IMSI match as they did when you uploaded your unlock, Cookie will restore it for you if you ever lost the data.
If you are kind of worried about your IMSI being out there, which you should, then we recommend going at it manually.
You can download Cookie for free, It is available on Cydia via the BigBoss repo.
» Cookie Backs Up Your SAM Activation Ticket From Your iPhone [Jailbreak Tweak]